This post is long overdue and for that I am very sorry. In May of 2020 my husband and I found out some exciting news; we are going to be have another baby. This was not something that we were planning for, but something that God had planned for us and our family. I will say that this came as such a surprise to myself . I definitely needed to lean on Christ and I was in the word and prayed a lot. This little one is an amazing gift from God and I couldn’t be more thankful for the experience to be pregnant again.
At the end of September, we found the gender of the baby! Before our closest friends left to follow God’s calling to plant a church, we had a gender reveal. The reveal was at a winery that we love to go to with friends and with family ( the restaurant is very family friendly and love children). This was the first time we ever did a gender reveal. I will say it was the most wonderful day and I was able to make some amazing memories. I can’t thank my good friend, who is from the ShutterBee Effect, enough for taking the most amazing pictures and capturing these moments for our family.
Baby six is coming! Ready to find out It’s a Boy? Nope a Girl! Boy’s playing Horse rides for the children We are even again soon