We were so excited and had a lot of plans to go places this fall, but Covid-19 put a stop to that unfortunately. I am very thankful that we were able to at least go to an olive oil company and learn how they make olive oil.
One very interesting fact that we learned is they work twenty-four hours a day seven days a week for two months out of the year. In doing all of that hard work, they have enough olive oil to last all year. During the day they process other peoples olives and at night they process their own olives.
All of the children even the teens enjoyed this trip. We were able to touch the olives before they went to be processed into oil. After we learned everything and watched it, we moved outside to try some things and the children were able to play in the olive trees while mom’s shopped. This is my favorite olive oil and we have been purchasing and ordering (only ordering due to Covid-19) for the past four years. We know the owners very well and they have always treated us like family.
Olives being dumped and going to get cleaned. Looking at the olives The olives being shaken off the tree Bonamini Olive Oil Trip