It’s that time of year again to decide what curriculum we are going to use for our children.
There are a lot of choices for homeschool curriculum. Since I was homeschooled when I was a child during middle school and high school years, I felt it made looking for the best curriculum for my five year old son very easy last year. It worked well I but felt that it was taking up a lot of our day when I wanted to make sure we had time to play. I wanted time for my son to use his imagination. About four months into our school year, I learned that there are different homeschool styles. I found a great book called “The Call of the Wild and Free.” This book really helped me see how things can be different than in a traditional class room. While there is nothing wrong with a traditional class room, it is just not what I wanted for my children. I decided to change up how I used the curriculum that we purchased. I added some different curriculum that made things more fun to learn. I think that this made the rest of the school year more enjoyable.
We just finished Kindergarten; what do we do for next year? It’s going to look a little different as we will be adding history and science. I want the best that I can give my son. I set on a research quest to find what works best for my son and his learning style, and that fits with our homeschool style.
After doing all my research, I have learned Abeka has an amazing language arts program. I learned about Brave Writer for writing and discovered they also do grammar and phonics: a total language arts. Then I learned about Master Books and Gather Round.
Next on my mind was math, there are a lot of options to choose from. My husband and I were homeschooled for middle and high school and we both used Saxon Math. With all of the math research, I think we have math figured out for next year.
We are adding something new this year: science and history. There are lots of amazing choices. History we have narrowed it down to Gather Round, Notgrass history, Abeka or Master Books. Science we have narrowed it down to Gather Round, Abeka or Master Books.
One thing that I do know is we are going to do Classical Conversations next year. We don’t have a co’op were we are living right now so this will be a great way for the both of us to meet up with other families and learn .
There is also a Wild and Free group here that I help run. There is a gym class and art class on the military installation near us. All of these will start back up once we are able to meet together; after COVID-19 becomes less of a threat to gatherings.
Time for some prayer about what is best for my now 1st grader.